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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Moving Here

Thanks for the article from Glenda Hanson

When we first moved here I was really excited about the prospect of becoming a stay-at-home mom. I have never been allowed to stay home with the kids all the time because I had to work to bring in extra income, I couldn't wait to spend so much quality time with my babies. I quickly found out what everyone was talking about when they said being a stay-at-home mom was so much work… I never even had time to take a shower during the day! Finally I broke down and got Direct TV Palmdale for the house and now I let my kids watch 1 to 2 hours of TV every day and I make sure to monitor exactly what they're watching. That way I can get things done like cooking or cleaning or laundry and not have to worry about where they are or what they're doing. I love my kids but they sure can be distracting when they put their minds to it, which apparently is every second of the day.

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