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Monday, June 20, 2011

Getting in the habit of riding my horse solo. Guest post written by Rob Crowe

Up until now, I've been so afraid to go horseback riding by myself. Even when it comes to riding on my own land, which is literally my backyard. I just like the extra company that you get from another person who's also riding a horse with you. But I'm finally getting over that fear and learning to appreciate riding solo.

I went online with my http://www.satellitestarinternet.com/ to figure out some safety tips that I should remember when I'm going horseback riding by myself. I did find some pretty good tips, including taking along your cell phone to call emergency services in case something bad happens. I know that sounds like a common sense move, but I've been tempted to leave my phone at home before.

I've found that going horseback riding by yourself can be so relaxing and peaceful. It's nice to be out in nature and enjoy the silence without having to worry about stirring up some conversation. My wife worries about me riding by myself, but she knows that I'm smart about my safety when I do that.
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